Coney Island, N.Y. – With help from a coalition of Brooklyn-based organizations, The Coney’s first Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway program launched this week, with more than 750 turkeys donated to families in need.
The Coney, Gargiulo's Restaurant, Gristedes Foods, and the Brooklyn USA Sports Association worked together to secure and store turkeys ahead of the holiday season and distribute them free of charge to many local nonprofits, houses of worship, and community organizations. .
Coney Island Cathedral, Our Lady of Grace Food Pantry, Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island, HeartShare Community Services, Coney Island House Tenants Association, Carey Gardens Resident Council Organizations including the Sea Gate Residents Association, Coney Island Community Council, and Coney Island Community Council assisted. to ensure the turkeys are distributed to families in need.
“We are proud to partner with a group of amazing organizations to unite our community and support over 750 families this holiday season. The Connie’s First Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway Program But it's truly amazing to see everyone working together to achieve such great success in helping those in need,” said Chief Executive Officer of So Equity, a partner in The Coney Project. Director Melissa Guliatta said.

“We would like to thank The Coney for donating turkeys to seniors and families in need. As a church, we are a beacon of light in our community and a love shared by all humanity. ” – Bishop Waylin Hobbs Jr. – Coney Island Cathedral Church, Impact Youth Ministry, Senior Pastor, Youth Pastor Eboni Taylor.
“We are so grateful to The Connie for thinking of our elderly guests during this holiday season. At a time when so many New Yorkers are struggling to make ends meet, The Connie’s generosity has helped. It will ease the financial burden and allow more families to enjoy Thanksgiving,” said Grace Brandi, supervisory director of the Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island Senior Centers.
“With food insecurity and inflation on the rise, a donation of this size makes a huge difference to the families and communities we serve this holiday season. Volunteers working at food pantries distributing this food and food We would like to thank those who use it to prepare Thanksgiving meals on Thanksgiving Day for the homeless or those who spend the holiday alone. These are the people who will benefit from this generous donation. We would like to thank The Coney, Gargiulo’s, Gristedes and Brooklyn USA Sports for all their support,” said Father Guy Svoldon. Vicar of Our Lady of Grace Parish. ”
“We are so grateful for the generous donations from The Coney, Gargiulos, Gristedes, and Brooklyn USA Sports for coming together to meet the great needs of our residents this year,” said Carey Gardens Chair Julia Danielly. Residents' Council.
“We cannot thank this team enough for their continued support and care for Seagate residents. These turkeys will make many seniors and families happy.” Seagate Association said Robin Parazon, communications chair.
“This group has gone above and beyond by donating turkeys to the community, which truly shows the spirit of the community. Thank you Connie,” said Joseph Impeduglia, Senior Director of HeartShare Human Services.