Air Combat, Congress, Land War, Naval War, Network/Cyber, Department of Defense, Space
WASHINGTON – When the Pentagon announced its $849.8 billion 2025 budget request on March 11, department officials felt that the budget cap imposed by Congress meant they would have to make tough choices. He made it clear that he was there.
But in Washington, the president's budget request is just the first step in negotiations. And the military services and key agencies within the Department of Defense are legally obligated to submit what is known as the Unfunded Priority List (UPL) to the Hill. It is, in effect, a summary of important programs for which Congress is seeking funding. Congress voted to give the department more money.
These lists are not available to the public, even though they are mandated by Congress. However, they tend to leak out quickly once they reach legislators' inboxes. Over the past few days, Breaking Defense has been collecting and reporting on a number of these unfunded listings, which to date total more than $10 billion.
Below are links to our coverage. Will be updated as more unfunded requests become available.
Of course, there's a lot more the Breaking Defense team wrote about the FY25 budget request. Click here to find a summary categorized by service. Or click here to see the full range of his 2025 budget underway on the landing page.