NEW LONDON — New London business owner and current County Commissioner Roger Imdike has announced his intention to run for re-election to the Kandiyohi County Commission. He plans to run for his fourth term since being first elected in 2012.
Imdike represents District 4, which is comprised of Burbank, Roseville, New London, Irving and Greenlake townships and the cities of Regal, New London and Spicer.

Contribution / Kandiyohi District
In a news release announcing his re-election bid, Imdieke cited his experience and leadership as reasons why he wants to remain in county government.
Over the past 12 years, Mr. Imdike has worked on several transportation projects, including the Willmar-Wye Railroad Bypass, the upcoming Minnesota Highway 23-9 interchange, and the Kandiyohi County Road 55/5 highway-railway overpass. I have been involved in the project. Imdike said he has been a strong advocate for road, bridge and dam safety and broadband expansion in the county.
Mr. Imdike received the Minnesota Transportation Alliance Advocacy Award, served as District 6 Chair of the Minnesota Association of Counties in Midwest Minnesota for five years, and currently chairs the Association's Transportation and Infrastructure Policy Committee. He is also a member of the association's state board.
Mr. Imdike has also testified numerous times at the State Capitol in St. Paul and traveled to Washington, D.C., to defend Kandiyohi County at the federal level.
“This is critical. Building relationships with state and federal delegations is critical to successful local funding of infrastructure projects,” Imdike said in the release.
Mr. Imdike has spent most of his life farming and, with his wife, continues to operate Three Sisters Furnishings in the suburbs of New London. The 45-year-old couple has three daughters and five grandchildren.
“We are fortunate to be able to do this work and watch our grandchildren in action,” Imdike said in the release. “It is the next generation that motivates me to continue representing Kandiyohi County.”