Signs of a cicada outbreak are appearing across the Chicago area, and experts believe it will be another summer-like day before the insects appear on the ground.
“We think the next 80-degree day could put us at risk,” said Tom Tidens, director of plant health at the Chicago Botanic Garden in Glencoe. “We're seeing a lot of activity and we're looking for birds, squirrels and raccoons because they're just on the surface.”
A lot is said about protecting gardens, trees, cars, etc., but there's one thing some people may not have thought of. It's a swimming pool.
Tiddens said the cicadas are likely to be a nuisance to pool owners, but they shouldn't cause much damage.
“I think it's a leaf-blowing issue,” Tiddens told NBC Chicago. “I think there's going to be a few cicadas in the pool, so you'll probably have to walk around with a skimmer every now and then and toss them to the side.”
This is the same advice that Wisconsin-based Doheny's Pool Supplies offers to its customers.
“You definitely want to have a manual leaf skimmer for cicada removal and a vacuum for the bottom of your pool,” she told NBC Chicago by phone from Pleasant, where she blogged about pool protection this summer. said Megan Isberg. Prairie, Wisconsin. “Keep extra chlorine on hand, because that's the best way to combat excess nitrogen from cicadas.”
Isberg said dead cicadas can collect in the water and release nitrogen, which can affect pool chemistry.
“You'll also want to check your filter, skimmer basket, and pool pump basket more often,” she adds. “Make sure to eliminate it in the coming weeks.”
Right now, soil temperatures across the Chicago area are about 62 to 63 degrees. The soil must reach 64 degrees for cicadas to fully emerge. Mr Tiddens believes we are right on the brink and can expect full emergence this week.