Red FM Network helped cricket lovers meet and greet their idols from local IPL franchise, Sun Risers Hyderabad.
The radio channel's comprehensive campaign 'Madasa Petteddam' includes Red Riser Hunt, net bowling activities with two IT companies and shopping malls, cantering activity 'Dil Se Red Riser' featuring virtual cricket in residential areas, etc. activities were included.
Cricket enthusiasts from all walks of life formed eight teams to play the Red Risers Premier League. After a hard-fought and last-minute thriller match, Team Alankrisa Knight Riders was crowned champions.
The program provided an unforgettable experience, especially for the 15 lucky winners and 150 special invitees who met SRH players.
Red FM Director B. Surender said the station's love for cricket and association with SRH helped them take cricket excitement to the next level through the Madasa Petdam campaign.
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