Janhvi Kapoor is currently awaiting the release of her next film “Mr & Mrs Mahi”, which stars Rajkummar Rao in the lead role. The actress recently opened up about how doctors have advised her not to play cricket after she sustained an injury while shooting for her next film.
Janhvi trained hard and dislocated her shoulder twice due to the intensity of cricket practice. In an interview with Bollywood Bubble, Janhvi revealed that doctors had advised her not to play cricket. When she dislocated her shoulder the first time, she thought it was an accident or overstrain. However, when she dislocated it for the second time, nearly three months after the first dislocation, she went to a shoulder specialist. She revealed that the specialist told her that she has multi-directional instability and is the least suitable player for cricket. The specialist even advised Janhvi that she should not play cricket for the rest of her life as she is prone to dislocations.
Janhvi trained hard and dislocated her shoulder twice due to the intensity of cricket practice. In an interview with Bollywood Bubble, Janhvi revealed that doctors had advised her not to play cricket. When she dislocated her shoulder the first time, she thought it was an accident or overstrain. However, when she dislocated it for the second time, nearly three months after the first dislocation, she went to a shoulder specialist. She revealed that the specialist told her that she has multi-directional instability and is the least suitable player for cricket. The specialist even advised Janhvi that she should not play cricket for the rest of her life as she is prone to dislocations.
Janhvi recalls that she had to continue training despite the injury but had a strategy. Whenever she had to do cricket training, she would tape her shoulder to prevent it from shifting. “The limit was around 60 balls but it ended up being 100 a day. The team even switched to machine balls as we couldn't even play with the in-season ball,” she recalls.
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