The City of Savannah's Department of Recreation and Leisure Services will open all four of the city's pools for the summer season starting May 28. The department will offer a variety of aquatic programs throughout the summer, including programs such as swimming lessons, which are free to residents. , water aerobics classes, junior lifeguard classes, lap swimming and swim teams.
On May 29, the city will host a Summer Kickoff Pool Party at Duffin Park Pool to celebrate the start of summer vacation, complete with food, drinks and a DJ. The party starts at 3:30pm and is free and open to the public.
The City of Savannah owns and owns four pools: Duffin Park Pool (1301 E. Victory Dr.), Tompkins Community Center Pool (2333 Ogeechee Rd.), Bowles C. Ford Park Pool (1900 Stiles Ave.) and WW Low Pool. It is operated. (900 E. Bolton Street).
All information about the city's swimming and swimming programs, as well as information about pools, can be found at
During the summer, all city pools are open Monday through Thursday from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. and from 4:30 to 6 p.m. On Saturdays, we will be open from 1:30pm to 3:30pm and 4pm to 6pm. Duffin Park Pool Bowls C. Ford Pool will also be open on Sundays from 1:30pm to 3:30pm and 4pm to 6pm.
Junior lifeguard class
A junior lifeguard class will be held for youth ages 12 to 14 who want to learn what it's like to be a lifeguard. Participants can strengthen their swimming skills, enhance team building, and learn the importance of pool safety. Classes will be held May 18th-19th from 2pm to 5pm at the Duffin Park pool.
swimming lessons
Community members of all ages can learn to swim in Savannah's four pools for just $25. She has 15 slots available per session and her 4 slots per session are available for small children aged 3-5. The majority of swim sessions are aimed at youth ages 3-16.
The city also offers two adult sessions, consisting of a morning slot at Duffin Park and an evening slot at Tompkins Pool. Saturday classes are also available only at Duffin Park. Residents can register at Duffin Park on May 19 from 1 to 5 p.m. Registration will continue until the class is filled.
summer kickoff pool party
The city will kick off the summer with a pool party at the Duffin Park Pool on May 29th from 3:30 p.m. We will have food, drinks, and a DJ to celebrate the start of summer vacation. City staff will present summer programs, host safety demonstrations and participate in pool activities with residents.
swimming team
Swim teams are a great way for young people to develop a love of water sports and become confident swimmers. The city welcomes all participants from the age of 6 to her 18 years. We are recruiting swimmers for the Duffin, Bowles C. Ford, Tompkins, and WW Low pools. Residents are encouraged to register starting May 28 at the pool most convenient for them. Practices are held at all pools Monday through Thursday from 3:30 to 4:15 p.m.
The tournament is scheduled for June 28th and July 12th.
lap swimming
Starting June 4, community members will be invited to the Duffin Park pool for lap swimming every Tuesday and Thursday from 7 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
water aerobics
Water aerobics is a fun and healthy way for residents 17 and older to spend an afternoon this summer. Classes will be held from June 3rd to September 1st every Monday through Thursday from 6:30pm to 7:30pm at the Duffin Park Pool.