BUFFALO, N.Y. — Western New York basketball organizations bring inclusivity to the court as the Buffalo Wheelchair Basketball League hosts its second annual “Drop Dimes” tournament on Sunday.
The league hopes to level the playing field for athletes with disabilities and able-bodied athletes, and the tournament is a fundraiser for teams to purchase wheelchairs.
“I think kids without disabilities come in and play. They find it easy, but the minute they sit in the chair and start playing the game, they realize it's not that easy,” Head Coach said. Chris Kacher of the Buffalo Limbs.
Chris and his wife Elizabeth started the league in 2019 for their daughter Emily, who lives with Spina Bifda.
This league not only teaches kids about people living with disabilities, but also brings players of all abilities together to try something new.
“They are inadvertently learning about disability without having to be preachy or talk about it, and they are experiencing what it is like to sit in a chair, so they can see the difference between able-bodied and disabled people. “We hope to break down the barriers between communities and the disability community,” said Elizabeth Keicher.
The league teaches people from ages 7 to adulthood the importance of playing together and learning about each other.
I wanted to create this team to show people that people with and without disabilities can play the exact same sport at the same level.
If they can't walk like you, there are many sports they would like to play, like stand-up basketball, but this is probably not a sport that many people can play together.
Then we can all begin to learn about each other in different ways and come together in a larger community instead of being separated in different ways.
Just like my other children, my other children have so many opportunities and that makes me so happy
The tournament will be played 1-on-3 on Sunday (2/25) at the Clearfield Gym at 730 Hopkins.